
数学与计算机科学 每月的研讨会

The 数学 + 计算机科学 Seminar is a biweekly seminar highlighting research activities within the MCS Department at 利记sbo.

研讨会将于S324年以混合方式举行,并通过虚拟方式举行 变焦会议 .
ID: 945 0329 5040

出席“MCS 2111: MCS研讨会”是必须的。

For further information on the 2023 研讨会, please contact Matthew 约翰斯顿 (mjohnsto1@844201.com).



4月11日上午11点.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Destiny Anyaiwe
文摘: Resourcefulness and well-informed decision-making rely heavily on the availability and effective use of data. 随着计算机在人类活动的各个方面的出现和大量使用, 数据生成, 它的速度, 流入已经被重新设计. 因此,在以数据为中心的世界中,充分培养学生的研究能力至关重要. 这是我演讲的重点, 它将涵盖诸如数据科学数据来源之类的主题, 收集数据的原因, 如何收集数据, 如何分析数据, 以及如何使用分析结果.


发言人:  马修·D. 约翰斯顿
文摘:  在这次演讲中,我将介绍一些最近与dr. Pell和Nelson对COVID-19传播的数学分析. We introduce an n-stage vaccination model and corresponding system of differential equations which can simulate a disease outbreak by breaking the population down according to their vaccination status. This allows the mitigation effects of vaccination and accelerating effects of variants such as delta to be uncoupled from one another, 并为COVID-19大流行的未来进程提供了宝贵的见解. 我们将模型拟合到弗吉尼亚州卫生部2021年的数据中.


演讲者:Wisam Bukaita
摘要:每天都有许多现实世界的事件和事件发生, 解释这些事件是科学家的愿望. 事件产生数据,数据说明事件的趋势和模式. 通过研究工作,数据可以说话和叙述事件的故事. 然而,没有数据,科学是无声的. 科学家们通过问“为什么”这个简单而有指导意义的步骤来描绘事件的故事. My academic journey in research focused on illustrating conclusions based on data and science. My demonstration will focus on two perspectives: The first perspective is my current research, and The second perspective is how to prepare and help students to put their first steps on the research path.

生成一个.I. 助理

主讲人:Paula Lauren
摘要:在这次演讲中,我将提供生成A的概述.I. 几个月前轰动全球的那件事是我的助手. 这是一个名为ChatGPT的电脑程序.  The talk will be anchored around a media interview recorded last month at Lawrence Tech on ChatGPT that delved into key Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, 但由于时间限制没有播出.  Several of the various NLP tasks for training the system will be conveyed via conversations with ChatGPT in the context of a novel cake recipe. 我还将谈到劳伦斯理工学院的一门专题课程, which delves into the programmatic and mathematical aspects of these key NLP tasks for students interested in learning more.


摘要:在本次演讲中, 我将概述一下我的过去, 当前和未来的研究项目与传染病传播的建模有关. 一路走来, we’ll discuss reasons why such a task is essential and what types of mathematical tools can be used to understand the dynamic spread of diseases. 将介绍以往研究项目的具体案例研究(埃博拉, 寨卡病毒和鼠疫)以及当前和未来的项目(COVID-19, 基于废水的流行病学监测, 病原体健身, 和热失配曲线).


主讲人:Yelena Vaynberg
摘要:在这次演讲中,我将向学生们介绍精算数学. I will explain what actuary science is and show the different mathematical computations involved.  我也将谈论我的几何在美术课和一个有趣的应用.  We will gain an understanding of the kind of research that is done in this area and how it is used to help Archeologists and Historians determine the age of excavated objects. 


摘要:在本次演讲中, 我将分享我自己的学习经验, 工作, 从事计算机科学与工程领域的研究. 我将以自己的故事为线索,讨论一些在学习和工作中常见的问题, 以及研究项目的机会. 通过这次演讲, I hope to brighten the path for our students to move forward in the world of 计算机科学.


摘要:在本次演讲中, I will first introduce research topics on the intersection between Machine Learning and 网络安全, 包括安全机器学习, 以及机器学习的安全性. 研究项目包括基于机器学习的恶意软件分析, 对抗性机器学习, and Machine Learning powered Malware will be discussed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of these topics. 然后我将简要介绍我的其他研究工作, 监督学生项目, 网络安全教学项目.


Destiny Anyaiwe
文摘: An important parameter in getting scholars to engage in research is basically their genuine interest in the subject. 本科生, 这种兴趣可能源于对某一职业的喜爱, 进一步研究的兴趣领域, 或者学生想要得到的工作类型. 学生顾问 & 导师在影响学生的兴趣方面也发挥着巨大的作用. 在这次演讲中, 我将花一点时间谈谈我作为顾问的情况, 我的教学理念, 我的研究和课堂环境. I will also take a look at areas of my research interest and some topics of 最近 students CRE and capstone projects. The talk will be concluded with a description of who 'an ideal research/senior project student' is to me, 我对他们的期望以及未来对我们合作的要求.


演讲者:abdullah Kavousifard
文摘: The threat of cyberattacks have motivated researchers to use Big Data and 人工智能 (AI) to detect malicious activity and ensure the preservation of privacy and security. 在智能电网和智能城市概念中, AI techniques can be used to identify transactions that are likely to be fraudulent or compromised, 以及自动执行手动密集型数据管理任务. My 最近 research activities involve applications of AI in electric grids to transportation systems, 智能城市, 微型电网, 电动汽车, 电弧炉, 工业控制系统(ids), 可再生能源, 能源中心. 我的演讲将使学生熟悉我在高级人工智能领域的研究兴趣, 网络安全, 中的难点, 以及大数据挖掘,以促进未来可能的研究合作.

主讲人:Yelena Vaynberg
摘要:在这次演讲中,我将向学生们介绍精算数学. I will explain what actuary science is and show the different mathematical computations involved. 我也将谈论我的几何在美术课和一个有趣的应用. We will gain an understanding of the kind of research that is done in this area and how it is used to help Archeologists and Historians determine the age of excavated objects.
主讲人:Sharon M. 卡特
摘要:在这篇演讲中,我将讨论:课堂之外的我是谁, 我教学生涯的演变, 我的数学教育哲学, 和我的学生一起做项目.

研究 & ESE, Robotics, IoT, EC, AI, DL和STEM教育领域的发展机遇

主讲人:CJ Chung
摘要:在这次演讲中,我将介绍研究 & development project experiences in areas such as Embedded Systems/Software Engineering (ESE), 自主机器人, 物联网(IoT), 进化计算(EC),包括文化算法, 进化神经模糊系统, 深度学习(DL), 和STEM教育,从1980年开始,持续了40多年. Then future opportunities as well as in-class project ideas in those fields will be introduced.


发言人: Wisam Bukaita
文摘: The scope of the presentation incorporates a brief review of the research path and future research in addition to the in-class projects and modeling. A second-order non-homogenous differential equation is employed in my research papers to add the aesthetical and architectural views to the structural system and deliver the art of math in a real-life structural building. The modified differential equation provides a strong alternative to the most 最近 American Institute Steel Construction, AISC codes for structural engineers through a new derived alignment chart to facilitate the design process. 编程技能和3D打印功能增强课堂学习. Other alternative teaching methods are presented to combine playing games and practicing some of the theoretical concepts using virtual reality. 


主讲人:Paula Lauren
摘要:在本次演讲中, I will explain the use of word embeddings and how they are used to derive meaning from text.  Word embeddings are a numerical representation of words (also known as distributional word vectors) based on word pair co-occurrences from a corpus.  除了, 我将概述一下我的一些过去, 最近, 目前的研究项目在各种计算任务中利用词嵌入. 因为这个系列讲座是针对MCS2111学生的, I will also incorporate a teaching part at the end of my talk to discuss my text mining and analytics course along with methodology towards senior projects and directed study.


摘要:在本次演讲中, 我将概述一下我的过去, present and future research projects that relate to modeling the spread of infectious diseases. 一路走来 we’ll discuss reasons for why such a task is important and what types of mathematical tools can be used to understand the dynamic spread of diseases. 将介绍以往研究项目的具体案例研究(埃博拉, 寨卡病毒和鼠疫)以及当前和未来的项目(COVID-19, 病原菌适合度和热失配曲线).


主讲人:马修·D. 约翰斯顿
摘要:在这次演讲中,我将介绍一些最近与dr. Pell和Nelson对COVID-19传播的数学分析. We introduce an n-stage vaccination model and corresponding system of differential equations which can simulate a disease outbreak by breaking the population down according to their vaccination status. This allows the mitigation effects of vaccination and accelerating effects of variants such as delta to be uncoupled from one another, 并为COVID-19大流行的未来进程提供了宝贵的见解. 我们将模型拟合到弗吉尼亚州卫生部2021年的数据中.
